This page shows the list of conference credit transactions. Credits are added via the purchase of hour packs and are used via the use of conference calls.
Option 1: Participants call the conference phone number:
To start a new conference call, send all your attendees the phone number to call, the starting time and the pin code .To start a new conference call, send all your attendees the phone number to call and the starting time.To start a new conference call, send all your attendees the phone number to call the starting time and the pin code.
At the conference time:
the organizer calls and types the code ,
all other attendees call and type the code .
all other attendees call .
tous les participants (y compris l’organisateur) appellent le .
the organizer calls the phone number and types the master code,
all other attendees call the phone number and type the guest code.
Option 2: myConf call participants:
Please note that we bill the costs of outgoing calls.
The costs of outgoing calls will be deducted from your call credit.
The costs of outgoing calls will be added (in addition to the cost of the conference) to the amount charged at the end of the conference.Call cost are charged on monthly invoice.
Communication costs are calculated to the nearest second.
Your call credit is exhausted. Please top up your account.Current call credit balance: Top up
You can not call a participant from this conference room. Please top up this conference room.
You can not call a participant from this conference room. Your call credit is exhausted. Please top up your account.
You can not call a participant from this conference room. Please add a valid bank card to your account.
Vous ne pouvez pas démarrer une conférence en appelant les participant pour cette salle de conférence.
Your account has been blocked.
As your account has recently been switched to monthly billing, you cannot call a participant for now.
Please contact us if you need to call participants now.
Attendee list:
Calling time
Called number
Add a credit card
To register a new credit card in your account, please click on the link below.
You will be redirected to the bank’s website to ensure the security of the transaction.
A payment request of an amount of is indicated on the page of your credit card. A bank authorization request is made to verify the validity of the card, but this amount will never be debited from your account.